Monday, August 19, 2013

Record enrollment

Enrollment in the science-majors freshman chemistry course Fundamentals of Chemistry I CHEM C105 is the highest it has ever been.  With still one week before class starts there are 147 students enrolled in the course.  This huge load of students requires seven discussion sections.  And for every student enrolled in C105 there is likely one enrolled in the companion laboratory course C125.  While we aren't sure why the number of students has been rising steadily each year, we are going to assume it is because of the excellent instruction offered by Bill Feighery and Connie Fox, head instructors for C105 and C125, respectively, and the many supporting instructors for the discussion and laboratory sections. Our department had planned to make use of the large lecture hall in the new Education and Arts Building (pictured above), but our class is too large even for it; so we remain in Northside 113, the only room large enough.