Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Biology-Chemistry Club is Active Again

Social and academic events were minimal last year due to the pandemic, but things are getting back to normal this year.  Most of our classes are on campus as students are engaged in all the usual activities, although cautiously wearing facemasks indoors. The Biology-Chemistry Club held a welcome party with pizza and drinks on the second week of classes and last week they invited biochemistry alumna Maggie Fink to give a talk on graduate school. Fink is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Notre Dame supported by a prestigious NSF graduate research fellowship. While at IU South Bend, she worked in the lab of biochemist Shahir Rizk. If you haven't thought about graduate school and missed this talk, please visit any of your professors to hear what it is like. You may be surprised that the school pays you instead of the other way around - and that research, rather than classes, is the focus.