Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Guest speaker from Loyola University

Dr. Colin Gates, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, from Loyola University, Chicago visited our campus last Friday. He spoke to a large group of students from both of the chemistry and biology senior seminar classes and also the physical chemistry class.  The purpose was two-fold: (1) to advertise the M.S. and Ph.D. programs at Loyola University to our graduating seniors, and (2) to let the senior seminar students see a professional seminar to consider points when making their own presentations later in the semester.  Dr. Gates gave a very interesting talk about his research into photosynthesis for a special bacterium with very rapid growth rate.  It was jam-packed with data and experiments new to our students. Loyola University offers full-tuition scholarships and a stipend to all of its Chemistry Ph.D. students (details here). While they do not offer a Ph.D. in Biology, there are competitive awards for the Biology M.S. degree that include tuition and a stipend (details here).