Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Rizk and Students Publish Research

Professor Shahir Rizk has published research in the Journal of Protein Engineering, Design, and Selection. This work was performed with two undergraduates, biology major Pierre N'Guetta and biochemistry major Maggie Fink, who have both since graduated and are now attending graduate school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Notre Dame, respectively, in pursuit of their Ph.D. degree. The picture above, taken from their paper, shows the conformational change in a protein caused by the binding of glyphosate.  The structure of a protein (or any molecule) determines its properties so that a change in structure causes a change in its properties. In this case the binding of glyphosate to the protein causes a change in the way the protein fluoresces which translates into a signal indicating the presence of glyphosate.  You can read the abstract here: Abstract