Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Biology-Chemistry Club Transitions to the New Academic Year

The Biology-Chemistry Club ended the summer with their second community outreach event: "Space Slime" at the LaSalle Public Library on the first of August for an hour in the afternoon. Their first event at River Park branch earlier in the summer was so successful that they engaged children with many of the same activities such as moon painting, a microscope for kids to look at rocks through, as well as letting them make glitter slime.
But now the club members are setting their sites on the new academic year and their first event was for the campus with a Semester Kickoff Party on Thursday at the LangLab on High Street, South Bend where pizza served as the catalyst for students and faculty to catch up on what has happened over the summer months. We are excited to see what plans the club has for rest of the year - particularly for National Chemistry Week in October with the theme "Marvelous Metals"!