Monday, May 20, 2024

Summer Research Begins for LSAMP Students

Summer research begins for our biology and chemistry LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation) students who posed today with chemistry professors Muna and Rizk after a group meeting and pizza lunch. Students are pictured left to right (with their research mentor in parentheses) as front row Cordelia Bennett (Dr. Clark), Joey Malkovsky (Dr. Rizk), Edwin Cortez (Dr. Muna) and back row Guillermo Cardenas (Dr. Clark), Moses Nyirongo (Dr. Clear), Perla Diaz (Dr. Marr).  Each student is financially supported by a summer LSAMP grant funded by the National Science Foundation. Summer research is a valuable educational experience for students that gives them an edge in applying to graduate school programs and jobs. We hope that students and professors will have an enjoyable summer.