Saturday, February 11, 2023

The Universe Revealed - Making Sense of Our Senses

At the beginning of the semester (January 10), biochemistry professor Shahir Rizk gave the talk Making Sense of Our Senses: The Art and Science of How We Perceive the World at the Main Branch of the St. Joseph County Library in downtown South Bend. This is just one talk in The Universe Revealed lecture series which is a partnership between the Science faculty at IU South Bend and University of Notre Dame to explore diverse topics in science. Rizk talked about the seeming magic of proteins that, for example, can distinguish different colors of light in our eyes, serve as antifreeze in polar fish, and let fireflies glow in the dark. The artwork above was created by IU South Bend B.S. biochemistry graduate, Maggie Fink, who is now working on her Ph.D. in biochemistry at the University of Notre Dame. Fink researched with Rizk while she was an undergraduate and she continues to work with Rizk in their collaborations on the intersection of art and science. At the sites below, you can watch a recording of the lecture and also learn more about the lecture series, in particular the time and subject of upcoming lectures.

Video recording -

Lecture series -