Saturday, August 17, 2019

Alumna Success Story

Congratulations to Alexandra Hochstetler (left) who was recently accepted to the IU Medical School  along with her sister (right).  Alexandra is an award-winning graduate of our department. She earned her B.S. degree in biochemistry in 2017. Hochstetler describes her postgraduate experience below. We are so proud of you, Alexandra, and hope that you and your sister both have a wonderful experience in medical school.

"Between my bachelors degree and medical school, I continued working as a research technician in the Schwarz lab at Harper Cancer Research Institute following my experience the previous summer as RC MedReview Fellowship recipient. I later made the decision to move to Indianapolis and began working at Eli Lilly as a contractor while studying for the MCAT. The science labs and lectures at IU South Bend (specifically biochemistry and molecular biology) as well as the summer research experiences offered at IU South Bend, provided me with invaluable hands-on experience, which gave me an edge over the other applicants in order to secure my position at Lilly. As I continued studying for the MCAT, I never felt like any of the information was foreign or that I needed to relearn subjects because the science courses offered at IUSB were directly applicable to the information on the MCAT. My younger sister and I applied to medical school together and were both accepted! This summer before school started, I took Dr. Anderson’s advice and took a Victory Vacation to celebrate! As I reflect during my first week of medical school about my journey to this point, I definitely could not have done it without my professors and mentors from IU South Bend! They were always supportive of my crazy ideas, answered millions of questions, and helped guide me to where I am now."