Monday, April 22, 2013

2013 Undergraduate Research Conference

This year the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry was represented by several students in the poster presentation portion of the annual Undergraduate Research Conference. Michael Partridge (chemistry) and Holly Caparell (biology) displayed a poster titled "Electrochemical Analysis of Steroid Hormones in Water" that showcased their work under research supervisor analytical chemist Dr. Grace Muna. Rachel Warrell (chemistry) exhibited the poster "NIS Oxidation of Alcohols to Carbonyls" that detailed her summer experiemnts with organic chemist Dr. Doug McMillen. Ashley Compton (biochemistry) and Keith Steinkellner (biochemistry) presented the poster "Nested PCR Detection of X-Disease in Michigan Fruit Orchards" of work done with fellow student Michael Partridge. These three were supervised by biochemist Dr. Gretchen Anderson. Last, but not least, was the poster, "Development of a Biosensor for Diagnosis of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus", shown by Roxanne Sirhan (biochemistry) who presented her summer work with colleagues at the University of Illinois at Chicago under a competitive REU award (Research Experience for Undergraduates). Congratulations to all these students for their quality presentations and the many hard hours of research that brought them here.