Friday, January 25, 2013

Get SMART ... and get experience with a paycheck!

What will you do this summer?

(A)  Find a job to pay for tuition and rent.
(B)  Research in a professor's lab.
(C)  Lounge around at the pool.
(D)  A and B by day - C by night
There exist paid research opportunities for undergraduates at many schools that allow you to earn experience and money.  Schools are able to do this because the research may be supported by various grants that allocate funds for attracting students to research careers. Also such an experience can serve as a recruitment tool for that college or university.  Even IU South Bend, without graduate programs in the physical sciences, has paid research positions during the summer funded by SMART grants.  If this interests you then act immediately: (1) find a professor of chemistry, biology, physics, math, or computer science that is willing to have you research with them; (2) develop a research project suitable for one summer's work; and (3) submit an official application.  Click here for more information.