Friday, January 25, 2013

Get SMART ... and get experience with a paycheck!

What will you do this summer?

(A)  Find a job to pay for tuition and rent.
(B)  Research in a professor's lab.
(C)  Lounge around at the pool.
(D)  A and B by day - C by night
There exist paid research opportunities for undergraduates at many schools that allow you to earn experience and money.  Schools are able to do this because the research may be supported by various grants that allocate funds for attracting students to research careers. Also such an experience can serve as a recruitment tool for that college or university.  Even IU South Bend, without graduate programs in the physical sciences, has paid research positions during the summer funded by SMART grants.  If this interests you then act immediately: (1) find a professor of chemistry, biology, physics, math, or computer science that is willing to have you research with them; (2) develop a research project suitable for one summer's work; and (3) submit an official application.  Click here for more information.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Visiting Organic Professor Sought

Professor McMillen is still acting as Dean of the College of Health Sciences so our department is in need of an instructor for the sophomore organic chemistry lectures.  This is a large and important class taken by chemistry majors, biology majors, and students aiming for medical school regardless of their degree program, if any. Our department is conducting a national search for a one-year visiting organic professor to fill the vacancy.  Who will be the new professor - the one with prior teaching experience (left model), the one with industrial research experience (right model), or someone else entirely? This position has been advertised in publications such as Chemical and Engineering News.  Please click here for the university advertisement.

Get Ready for Senior Seminars

What do engineers and chemists have in common? The need to give clear and informative presentations. This skill is a must for our senior students who each will write a report and give an oral presentation this semester about a current research topic. Dr. Betty Lise Anderson, an engineer and professor from The Ohio State University, returns to share her secrets for a terrific technical talk to the seminar students.  One lucky student will be awarded the Joseph H. Ross Seminar Award for their efforts.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Professor Feighery Serves as Assistant Dean

It has been a year and a half since Professor Feighery stepped down as chair of our department, but during this past winter break he made a New Year resolution to get back into administration.  Earlier this month Feighery started his new position as Assistant Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.  As this is a position that Professor McMillen held for a while, it seems clear that our university knows where to find capable administrators. But no need to worry, students, this position is only part-time so you will still enjoy his expertise in courses such as the inorganic chemistry lecture and laboratory.