Saturday, December 21, 2019

Student Presents Research in San Francisco

Chemistry major Humberto Chavarria attended the 100th Annual Fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) last week in San Francisco. At this centennial event, Chavarria presented his REU research findings from his summer experience at the University of Arizona’s Biosphere 2 research facility. There he and his teammates characterized the soil composition and properties to see how they had changed in the years since the artificial rainforest biome had been established. It seems that the rocky West is calling Chavarria: first Arizona, and now California. We may very well find him pursing a doctoral degree in geochemistry soon. You can read the abstract of this poster at the AGU website.

If you are interested in a summer REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates), now is the time to start thinking about one if you haven't already. There are opportunities on our own campus and around the country too. For more information about REUs, please review the announcements on the Biology-Chemistry Canvas page or talk to one of your favorite professors.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Professor Gretchen Anderson Passes Away

Professor Gretchen Anderson passed away Monday morning after battling cancer for over a year. While cancer claimed her body, her spirit was never overcome. Dean Phillips frequently mentioned Anderson's "infectious" smile which you can see in these photos of her with fellow faculty, students, alumni, and children from the community. To the end, Anderson was focused on helping others: whether students in her classes who needed help with chemistry or guidance with their academic plan - or fellow faculty who needed teaching advice or help with tenure and promotion. As one student commented: "If you find a professor that is more passionate about what they do, I would be very surprised! Dr. Anderson is absolutely wonderful!"

While she sported many interesting hats this past year, Anderson wore many figurative hats during her life. To fellow faculty she was scientist, administrator, and leader. To students she was professor, mentor, and advisor. To friends she was advocate and counselor. To family she was mother, wife, and sister. To all who know her, she was irreplaceable. We are terribly sad for her passing, but we are extremely grateful for the time we have shared.